Thursday, February 25, 2010

this just makes my day...

So...a couple random things that have been on my mind today..and yes i am going to burden them on to you :)
first, remember awhile back when i told you all about one of the most epic things i have ever heard of...harry potter tribute bands...well guess what my friends...yes there is something just as awesome or even more so...ready for it?
zombie tribute band. did read correctly :) i think it is so awesome that...they are actually a real band...with albums and merch. lol ...the only zombie band that i know of (so far) is called ' All Caps' -- and one of the first songs i listened to was indeed called i love brains.
Now this makes me wonder...can i start a band? just pick a random thing..that i snicket books! ahha! i was obsessed with that series. well there you go, can i start a band if i find like..a drummer and a good guitarist? and then just write songs about the epic writings of one man in a series on 13 books and a unauthorized autobiography? i am sensing a new project in the air...

Second topic that isnt really much of a topic...just another obsession that i really want right now...mucho mango arizona tea <3 ..forever <3 lol

kay.bye. <3

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Do long-distance relationships work?
I have always been a believe that it very possible, you just have to work at it. And that if you really do like the person enough it will work itself out....but that the thing. Now that i am in one...i realized..that the really do liking someone part, makes it even harder. Not being able to see them, or talk to them as much...its like my emotions or if my day is good or bad depends on him...him alone. that sounds so sad right? is...and ugh..i dont know if i can handle this...miss him...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

'In bed' & cookies & ex-guys

Have you ever played the fortune cookie 'in bed' game? Well in the first place..i dont like fortune cookies..they test like ice cream But i was cracking a bunch open for the fortunes lol..i dont think it is cheating at all. lol But how you play the game is you read the fortune and whatever it says, you add in bed at the end. lol My favorite one was, "A stranger will smile upon you [ in bed]" ...i feel sketched lol

Have you ever noticed the amazing healing and addictive power of a chocolate chip cookie?! you can never have just one..and after you eat one when it is perfect, fresh out of the oven...or box, how ever you roll just makes you smileee childhood mems. lol

Ex-guys --> My ex...fling? i suppose that could be how you sum it up, well he texted me and...we havent talked in a VERY long time..mainly he fault...since he rejected me and then took it back, only to reject me again...and completely stop communication; Which frankly i was okay with...But yeah he texted me..and it is slightly freaking me out..because everything is chill..which is good..but he is saying how we havent talked in TOOO long and should get together sometime to me....?!?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

update...oh wow :)

So,maybe this whole valentines day isnt nearly as bad as i thought it was...well ..he proved it wasnt :) adventuring all day in the snow on a mt. freezing our asses off and then a dinner with all our friends only to end up with more adventuring. So much time to beautiful on the was perfect :)


So it is indeed valentines day. Happy valentines day!....yay....

SOOO...dont be completely ashamed of i gave in to the mushy-ness of the (sad excuse of a) holiday.. and did something special for my guy..ugh..totally should be getting brownie point for this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

soo..yes two new blogs in one day..your partying aren't you? :)

So where should i start with this next one...okay..imma just come out with it...what do u get your guy on valentines day? cause...well...i hate all the mushy i love you, i love you too kinda shit. Why do you need to limit the display of your love for someone to one day of the year? or have to show it through boxes of chocolate and red roses(which frankly i dont think are pretty. And i hope you dont think i am one of those..bitter people who hate love and valentines day or whatever else you might be thinking...cause it isnt true. I am happily in a relationship with a guy i completely adore...its just...not into the mushy. and he this is making me slightly lol

Mind blown. share opinions. lol

0kay so i came across something yesterday that kind of blew my mind...are u ready for this?!

HARRY POTTER BANDS. - music groups that are completely about harry potter. the lyrics all abotu harry potter, the names everything. frankly...i didnt know there was that much about harry potter to write a whole album or albums on. Not saying i dont like it..i love harry potter books. i learned some of the best life lessons through those characters and story line.!
leave your thoughts.

Second topic. not really huge thing u think it is right to drink soup out of a legit cup that you would use for any other drink. my opinion....its wrong...if your gonna have soup in te first place use a bowl and a spoon..pleaseeeee. lol But frankly i dont like soup...its kinda gross. :/ lol
leave what you think again.

Word. thanks. peace out :D OHH and sorry i haven't like..a million daysss. imma work on this.
